Long time ago, during my days as a staff photographer for cruise line I used to travel around the Caribbean, surrounded by beautiful beaches, white sand, palm trees and an eternal summer, I took these photographs. Instead of the traditional Caribbean landscapes and sunsets, sexy girls in the beach, wild parties or some exotic attraction/place I was taking blurry photos (in purpose).
Something was not going ok. My mind was "out of place".
I like darkness. Most of my portraits are done in my studio, and in a 95% I use a black background, I like black metal, small spaces where I can control all, artists like Joel Peter Witkin and John Santerineross. So all these sunny days and prettiness were too much, obviously I enjoyed it, but it was not good for the kind of images I wanted to create until I realized that the solution/escape was very simple.
As artists, we are always looking to make something original and different, not always happen but we still try. In this case if I did not want to take landscapes or people as they usually are taken in this kind of environment why not simple distort it. I have no need of glasses and have a pretty good sight, therefore have to "see" the world in this way to be able to express myself was really challenging. I like the results, hope you too.