Thursday, August 19, 2010

Šlapanické Slavnosti 2010

Last Sunday while all the attention was on the Grand Prix  there was another event going on in a the  small town of Šlapanice u Brna about ten kilometers South- East from Brno. Less known, less noisy but not less interesting if you want to learn something about Czech traditions.
The festival called Šlapanické slavnosti is one of the many that almost all the villages around the city of Brno have to celebrate its anniversary during the year. This one in particular have a long tradition that started on August 1932.  It consisted of a traditional parade where was possible see young and old couples walk trough the streets, dressed in traditional clothes,  each male carrying a jar full of wine to drink and share with the spectators while singing old traditional songs.
The parade will continued till  the central park where they danced in groups and interacted with the assistants. The major gave then a short speech and the party continued till night.



Saturday, August 7, 2010

Special offer!!!

I am giving an speciall offer to my few but faithfull readers and "admirers." You can have a discount of 20% in the purchase of prints from my website, just browse it, choose your photo or photos and during the checkout process use the code MY20%
The transactions are made trough Paypal system, so you can use your paypal acount or credit/debit cradit with total confidence. It is 100% secure and if there is some photo you like but it is not avaliable for sale please online contact me directly.
They are printed and shipped from the USA trough the company EZ prints and they ship worlwide so if you live within the United States of America shipping will be very cheap and for the rest of the world their prices are very reasonable. Give it a try.

In my website you can find some commercial images like this:

or some more artistic like this one:

Or touristic:

See all my galleries and enjoy them. The special run until August 31.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Extras 4 - Tereza

I like to play with emotions when I took photographs, I known my models personally very little.  And that is an advantage I think, at least for the kind of work I do. Most of them are girls I saw waking on the street or working in hotels, pubs, etc, that call my attention in someway. So after a short introduction an exchange of mails and a meeting to explain my idea of what I want to get from the shot and expect from them as a models, we close the deal. Obviously not always work. Some never reply the email, or politely say that are no interested and others change of mind one day before the shoot. But that make life more interesting at least for me. Many times the shy looking girl have been who took the challenge to be photographed.
The following shots are from another student. Three different looks for the same person that as I mention in an previous post, these are more a reflexion of my emotions than hers.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Other world

Long time ago, during my days as a staff photographer for cruise line I used to travel around the Caribbean, surrounded by beautiful beaches, white sand, palm trees and an eternal summer, I took these photographs. Instead of the traditional Caribbean landscapes and sunsets, sexy girls in the beach, wild parties or some exotic attraction/place I was taking blurry photos (in purpose). 
Something was not going ok. My mind was "out of place".

I like darkness. Most of my portraits are done in my studio, and in a 95% I use a black background, I like black metal, small spaces where I can control all, artists like Joel Peter Witkin and John Santerineross. So all these sunny days and prettiness were too much, obviously I enjoyed it, but it was not good for the kind of images I wanted to create until I realized that the solution/escape was very simple.

As artists, we are always looking to make something original and different, not always happen but we still try. In this case if I did not want to take landscapes or people as they usually are taken in this kind of environment why not simple distort it. I have no need of glasses and have a pretty good sight, therefore have to "see" the world in this way to be able to express myself was really challenging. I like the results, hope you too.







Monday, August 2, 2010


This is an amazing animation video from a group of  artist from Prague. It was made in what they call "Porno Villa", the place where they live and work. There is a web site too (Czech only), a bit clutter to my taste, with more images and interesting content that make it worth visit it.
The video is about a crazy journey, transformations (or mutations) and rebirth  of a "porno lover" by the logo in his t-shirt trough different environments of the house. Enjoy it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

World Wide Photowalk 2010

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to be a leader for a photo walk as part of the Scott Kelby's worldwide photowalk here in the city of Brno. We were only four in total but despite our short number we had a very good time. We were Tomaš Burian and Viktor both czech, Marison from Philippines and me of course from Peru.
We had had very sunny and hot days during that week but on that Saturday the weather betrayed us! Earlier in the mooring a rain welcome the weekend so our international group had to deal with a cloudy day but we anyway we spent a fantastic time walking trough the park Lužanky photographing almost anything to then finish in a great restaurant called Cerny medved with czech food an of course with south Moravian beer.

The photographers

A great shot from Tomaš Burian.

 Remembering my ground pollution series.

 A pretty actress from the city theater.

 uhm.. no coments

You can see more in the Flickr  photo walk page.