Thursday, November 14, 2019

EroFest in Prague

Last weekend I visit the Erotický veletrh Erofest in Prague, here are few images from that day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Caress me, please.

Well, kind of stuck without ideas on what to photograph on these days, because of that I will continue showing work done but have not been shown/shared anywhere.
I have been drawing lately, but those have been a decapitation and a head bean shot so they are not related at all with the images below which are from 2015. These were from the second photo session with a close friend.
Andrea and me 1.  2015. 30 x 30cm

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hurt me, if you can

As I was saying, I am not showing any face in these photographs. If the models remains anonymous they can be anybody. At least, anybody with slim bodies :D
These images were not planned, therefore any idea or emotion the viewer may get is are on his own experience. Sometimes art does not have to have an intention.

More or less the only direction I gave to the model was something like: " let's image we dance or fight but at the same time were stick to each other"
It was no as fluid as I would have liked, for each picture the timer was set to 10 seconds (the camera default). In many cases once I felt we had a good position we had to hold it till the camera fired.

Tattooed girl No. 1

Saturday, January 5, 2019

They and me

Two bodies.
I have not written anything in very long time, just poems about a monster. Nothing related to photography. I have bought books which I don't read and I have not been eating healthy lastly. But I feel good.

I am not native English speaker and despite that I rather write in English than in Spanish. Not sure why.

During the last two months I have been working in old photos. I take photos, many photos but  I don't publish them on my Instagram neither Facebook page. The images in these social media are no appreciated as they should be. Anyway, I have a small series about two bodies interacting, that was the main idea. I never really developed it so I could not say it is concluded as it never actually was started.

I am not ashamed of my body but I don't like to show myself in photographs and as for the girls they had no issue in show their bodies. I will be sharing more of them during next days. Now is time to sleep.

Piercing in the navel. 2016. 50 x 50cm.