Saturday, January 14, 2012

About sisters...

I made theses portraits of these two sisters specially for the portrait category of the Samsung NX200 contest Feel and share.
I had just a basic idea of what I wanted: a portrait of them looking each other seriously but as the photo session started and more photos were taken it lead me to other kind of pictures as you can see. I took approximately 90 shoots and these are my selection. The 7th photo is my favorite, it give me that feeling of mixed emotions, followed by the 3rd of the faced being hold by hands which can have many interpretations.
Anyway, the most important is that they, Lenka and Kristyna, my wonderful models are happy with the results :-). I know these portraits are not the typical or expected photos of sisters, in which they would be smiling and looking happy but I think fall into what I would dare to call, even I don't like the term of "artistic portraits" because there is something more intimate in those eyes when you look at them. So no more words and enjoy them.